Elisa 600
Elisa 600 offers a wide range of therapeutic and diagnostic tools for an upgraded and intuitive ventilation experience. This ventilator supports respiratory aid with both non-invasive and invasive operations.

- Premium ventilator mounted on trolley ideal for neonatal, pediatric, and adult patients, and uses smart evaluations and algorithms to serve the best quality of ventilation
- Respiratory support is available in various modes
- PEEP finder may be used to customize the settings of the ventilator and helps ventilation for lung protection
- VAP risk is reduced with cuffscout
- Customized sedation
- The weaning process made easier with tools
- Transport Option, chest monitoring, NIV package, sidestream of mainstream CO2, hygiene function, automatic patient detection, mesh nebulizer, weaning analyzer, and High-Flow Oxygen Therapy (HFOT) is available
- User friendly 18.5” wide touch screen
- Pre-set Visual and audio alarms are available
- Trend data for 90 days is configurable
Weaninganalyzer (SBT and SAT)
- Reference loops included in the loop package
- Pneumatic drug nebulizer integrated
- Operate for 2 hours in a single charge
Flexible combinations for PDMS, No monitoring and systems equipment
- HFOT (High-Flow Oxygen Therapy)
- ETCO2 monitoring
- Cuffscout - fused monitor for measuring cuff pressure
- Mesh Nebulizer
- Transpulmonary pressure expandable up to 2 hours
Expandable transpulmonary pressure © Expandable up to 2 hours
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